a stitch in time….it’s about time. that and too many german curtains


i have so many subjects i could post about tonite, but i will keep it somewhat simple and just blab about my sewing machine, my dirty hair and cut fingertips, and my overboard decorating with cast off germany curtains.

first….my friend cindy came to visit me today. she not only brought me way cool junk, she also brought me 3 big bags of lace german  curtains. thanks cindy….i’ll be tea staining, pink dyeing and bleaching curtains until my eyeballs pop out. i also want to thank cindy for help me thread my new sewing machine (that i have had for about 6 months now) and get me started on some straight stitching. okay…i admit it…i suck at sewing. i had to do a little in college. i made a quilt for a textiles class and i sewed the pins in the quilt and left them there. what?

well…cindy helped me sew this little, tiny pillow case. she made me do almost all of it alone. i felt about the same way when i lived in europe and someone would teach me just enough of the language to make  me nervous to speak.after a year of french in college, i could barely say ‘bonjour’ when i went to france the first time. that is how sewing affects me. i’m so scared of it. i’m also VERY afraid of this photo of me, but what the heck. i’m so scary….no make up and in painting clothes. so sorry. please excuse me. i even have a cold sore. see why i am taking vitamins and drinking more water and using cold cream. i need make up. ack.


well…cindy was also in painting clothes when she came to visit this morning. boy…are we not a bunch of blog babes or what. junkin hotties. er.


the point of this is that i made that pillow. me. all by myself. i’m so proud. now this says simple stitch on it somewhere, but i didn’t think it was so simple.


cindy was hysterical over my goopy glitter glob. i know…i’m a slob. i told her in college i had this corn nut sculpture on my console by my radio. i kept adding gum, paper clips, art supplies, corn nuts, and i had this necklace stuck in it all and melted mints from where i worked. by the end of the year, it was a piece of art. scary.


so what does one do with a crazy amount of german curtains???? hang them on the long, ugly veranda. now i can hide my work area and enjoy the curtains. the wind is crazy here, so i can watch these flap around in the breeze. i can also watch them blow around and propel one of the kids into space. basically i work out on the porch.





i did get this bench curbside…painted it out and added $3 rose flanked curtains. i bought the window for $5. bought the frame in the back for like 10 cents. bought the pillows for less than a buck.


also…few pics of angels and faces to go with the month of love and romance…….





that is it. quick post.

you all take care



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10 responses to “a stitch in time….it’s about time. that and too many german curtains

  1. Ron

    Nice lip….you are right though….definate hotties…. remember you have photoshop and airbrushing may have helped a little. I still love ya despite the yummy looking lip. Sew me a pillow case with clean fabric.

  2. terrylee

    okay. i have ONE word for you: ZOVIRAX. ask your doctor about it. i keep a supply in the house at all times. start taking it as SOON as you feel the cold sore starting to bloom. you’ve got to NIP IT IN THE BUD. it works. RX only. call the man.

    okay, now i have another word for you: LOVE your back porch work area!! oh.my.gawd. it’s beautiful. and with those breezy german curtains and that bench and window thing going … TOO sweet! it’s not as cool as having trees growing in your swimming pool, but hey, it’s something. 😉

    so that wasn’t one word, was it?

    why am i up in the middle of the night?! i think it’s like 3:50am right now. can’t sleep. i kept coughing and hacking and keeping hubby awake, so i finally just got up and crawled to the computer. might as well blog surf. you inspire me to blog more. i’m so lazy or tired or busy or something.

    with any luck, i’ll get to your booth this weekend. this virus or whatever the hell it is doesn’t want to let go. i keep envisioning that mucinex commercial with those nasty mucus monsters setting up housekeeping in my lungs. that’s how it feels. ugh!!

    okay, so much for my delightful comments. hope everyone’s sleeping soundly at your house.

    terry lee

  3. dana leigh

    okay, I can’t decide who’s the funniest-you or Ron. love the curtains

  4. cheryl

    Hey Sue! Your pillow looks very pretty! I never have learned how to sew..sure wish I could though. Love the curtains on your porch..so romantic! I’m glad that you still have that 3-tiered iron basket display…it has always been one of my favorite things in your house, when you were here in columbus. I have to call you later and tell you about this great lady concrete statue I found today for only 10.00 with the fountain…Yeah Me!

  5. Sue

    Congrats!! You are now officially a sewer! Just another talent to add to your very long list!
    Well you are all out there now, coldsores and all, dont you feel a sense of liberation, or …..nakedness!
    Love the curtains, I tried to do something like that on my back verandah, but I have so much junk, you cant see them! You have given me reason to start cleaning up outside now!

  6. Rachel Knoblich

    I love the curbside bench…so not fair. I should really move to Texas. So, it’s snowing here again. Bryan leaves next week for a conference. All that has put me in a bad mood. I’ve already dealt with Christmas vacation and now kids alone for another week. I wish I could just mail myself to you right now. Lord help me!

  7. SO Gosh darn cute… those curtains are… (You and you lovely lil pillow are too).

    Keep up the great work. I enjoy my burst of creative tickle when I visit your blog.


  8. Michele

    The cornnut sculpture in your car….if I remember correctly, we all feared it….then Joanna & I began to worship it’s mystical powers…..

  9. Marta's Room

    You are not going to believe it, I got a gigantic cold sore in the exact spot. We are sisters even in disgrace. Yesterday I was speaking thru my scarf, I felt like a ninja. Later I put a little round bandage, everybody seen to be talking to it. I got the worst cold, I still manage to do some shopping. I don’t know why, I thought you can sew. Probably because you are the kind of person that can do it all. I was so jealous when Cindy mention she was going to spend the day with you. Love the curtains, love the porch, love you. Take care.

  10. You are too funny! Yea on the sewing-pillows are good. Your veranda is looking good darling!

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